Do you need to make a list of all the dozens of things you need to accomplish this week? I know I do. Today my goal is to get some packages mailed, go help with the quintuplets, and go to physical therapy for my back. Of course I'll throw in a trip to the post office, and some laundry, and the heating of the soup and cornbread I have prepared for dinner. Ahhhh, how nice to have the meal prepared already for such a busy day! What's on your list of things to do? Let's help one another be accountable for our schedules, shall we????
Making our list and checking it twice......
Oh my goodness...since I'm moving, ~organize everything for packers coming tomorrow ~feed the animals ~do laundry ~go to grocers ~go to post office to change address ~change address with accounts and catalogs, etc. ~sweep garage ~prepare car for drive to Florida ~clean out frig and pantry ~pack suitcases ~prepare dinner ~make a million phone calls...I think that covers it for today!
You are preachin' to the choir! Yes, I should sit long enough to make a list. I have already called the church and the nursery to order poinsettias for our two buildings. I am the "new" flower person and I'm afraid of messing something up, so I'm checking it twice! I would love to get the Christmas gifts in boxes and clear off the bed they are piled on. Also have my very first chiropractic appt. today as I could feel my back "going" during aerobics this morning. :( Looks like you can feel my pain! Yes, Let's PLEASE help one another all we can!
I thought I was busy all day today, but when I look around I don't see many results...some laundry, some cleaning, some cooking and a whole lot of blogging...haha, there...that explains it! ;-) Bo
Well may God Bless You too!!
I had a nice day. I returned a few items to a couple of stores. I did a little Christmas shopping. I paid the bills. I'm checking my e-mail and blogging buds now. . . then I'm off to the basement to do a bit of crafting.
I hope the Physical Therapy for your back is helping. It has sure helped mine. I'm now done as of this WEDNESDAY ~ Yeeaaahhh!!
I know I can't function without my list. The best part about my day is that I stayed home all day, mostly by myself, and got tons done. It was great!
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