I sensed a tiny bit of "fall air" in the air this morning when I opened the door to let the dogs out.....it was amazing.........I don't want to say it too loudly lest it go away as quickly as it came......I adore fall weather! I love fall foods, like chili, and pumpkin bread and apple cake, and such. I love the brisk air, and long sleeves. I LOVE fall decorating and the colors that God gives to fall. I love the start of school and the high school band music with football games. I love pumpkins and fall leaves and spice candles. Bring it on!!! What do you love about fall???
Come back tomorrow for the Disc plate hanger giveaway!!! See you then.
I've actually been fighting the fact that fall is coming because I'm not a big fan of what comes AFTER fall (too much snow and cold!), but I have to admit that I'm SLOWLY starting to get in the fall mood. The photos are beautiful.
I agree with you 100%!! I want to be seated right where your pictures were taken. Beautiful photography!!
I am so with you!!
Here's what I like about fall:
.A nip in the air
.The smell of fireplaces
.School buses...unless I am behind one!
.like you, fall food and decorations
.the beginning of the holiday seasons
.watching leaves turn and fall
.a walk in the woods without worrying about snakes!
I have lots more, but I am going to finish my coffee on the porch. It is nice and cool right now, with a light breeze.
Thanks! Rhonda
Last week I was not ready for Fall. I'm ot a summer person by any means but not ready for fall. But Like the leaves my home is slowly changing and the AWESOME weather is really getting me in the mood!Time to decorate and pull out my comfy sweatshirt! YAEH! Enjoy!
Hugs, Lisa
I absolutely LOVE EVERYthing about Fall!! I just can't believe our weather here in Oklahoma! Lows at night in the 60's and our high's have only been in the mid to low 80's!!!!!! WONDERFUL!!!!!
I love feeling leaves crunch under my feet and the crispness in the air. One of my favorite times of year!
I love the look of a huge harvest moon shining over the landscape and turning everything into a hazy silver shimmer; I love the briskness of the air, the beautiful russets, yellows, and reds of the fall leaves; I love the smell of chimney smoke and leaves smoldering; I love how the season means that each weekend we have family things planned every year....family reunion, visit to the Corn Maze, pumpkin carving, my Halloween party and then right into Christmas shopping and Thanksgiving and then Christmas is right there.
I was born in fall, so I'm a fall girl! Popped in from April's to say hi!
i love everything about fall! the weather, food, scents, scenery, holidays, you name it, if it happens in the fall i love it!
I love it all!
oooo---I love that first photo. I am so ready for Fall!!! :) Supposedly, Mary Kay Andrews commented on my book review today. I highly doubt it was really her, but it's nice to pretend that maybe it was! ;) I know you're a MKA fan too!
I love it too! Thanks for sharing the gorgeous pictures!
We've had three days of highs only in the 70's. It's been wonderful. It will be warmer toward the end of the week but hopefully we are finished with the 90's. Fall is very. That first batch of chili is so good. The only thing that I don't like about fall is knowing what comes next. :( I'm definately not a winter fan.
I love the time between turning the A/C off and the heat on. The utility bill makes things nicer. It is funny how living in a climate with seasonal changes it just comes along and everything come with it. You can enjoy or argue against it if you want, but it is there. Might as well like it.
I know - I am getting excited about Fall. I can't help it!
Oh we are so alike! I loooooove pumpkins with passion, and the fall food is high up on the list too. The cool air, the leaves turning, the coziness of being in a warm house. Boy do I love fall!
Beautiful photos.
I have always hated anything pumpkiny...until about 5 years ago! Then lookout, I now am obsessed with anything pumpkin-flavored. I'm so ready for pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin spice lattes at Starbuck's. I love to decorate for the fall and will have all my fall decos up THE first day of autumn.
So thrilled to have found your blog. LOVE these photos. On my morning walk with my dear friend today. We discussed the changing season. We are sad to see summer go. (we don't get much of one here) but excited for fall. I love all season's! We too "felt" it in the air this morning. Thanks for sharing. ooxx`jodi
I love it all!!!
Oh, girl, I am so with you. I love fall. Every year, August just seems to drag on and on. And then Labor Day is almost always a hot holiday, it seems. But there's PROMISE in the air!! I feel like I come alive in the fall. Sounds like you do, too!
The first photo is B E A U T I F U L !! I love fall too, I love the colors, I love the food, I lovethe holidays that are right around the corner. I feel for your first commenter, miss PK, I'm sorry that a lot of snow and mud. I just want you to know I feel for you.
For me the cold weather mean the critters that I don't like aren't out.
Oops, just proof read that and I didn't finish a sentance. I hate it when I do that. So, I was just feeling for the angel in your comments that was lamenting the coming of winter in her neck of the woods.
Great fall pictures We have the same general blog background! I love the damask.
The plate holders are a great idea too.
I am a follower and would love to win
Please sop by my blog for a visit some time. Would love to have you follow me too!
I think your profile picture is new (or at least fairly new). Is that right? Or have I just not been paying attention? In any event, I really like it. You look so happy in that photo. It makes me glad to look at it!
Love all the yellows and oranges in these autumn pictures. Thanks for coming by ~ and for your encouraging words about my PILES...seems like slow going to me!
I've been gushing about the change of season around the comment boxes all evening:
- the new fall issue of Vogue
- the smell of new school supplies
- planning Halloween costumes
- getting ready for Thanksgiving (it's in October in Canada, you know)
- the house being cool enough to bake the lovely soft ginger cookies we all enjoy after school,
... and so much more! I for one, cannot wait! Have a lovely autumn!
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