AND links to latch onto about other giveaway!!! What a day....start of a long weekend (did I hear an amen and a hallelujah????)
Well my first item of business is to announce the winners of yesterdays giveaways!!! Yes, remember I have TWO SETS of the disc hangers, courtesy of Mr. Stanley Latter, who will also be good enough to offer FREE shipping to anyone clicking thru to order from here! Thank you, sir! I wish everyone could win, but since only two can, I would encourage you to take advantage of ordering from him for your disc hanger's cheaper than buying at the craft store, and there's no easy is that????
So the winners of the disc hanger sets are (drawn by using random generator, factoring in everyone's multiple entries) are...oh and thank everyone who blogged about it and also joined me on Facebook...I have several new friends this week which I am very thankful for!
Ok, get on with it you are probably saying!!! :)
So the winners are:
Let it Shine ( a new friend and follower that is soooo talented; in fact, she is a new blogger and a fellow Texan!; go right now and check her blog out and the gorgeous new drapes she hung in her master bedroom, and all her other amazing projects!) I'll wait right here, ok....but come back......
Happy@Home (oh the blue of Kim's blog is beautiful and bright!! and OH SO INSPIRING!!!!!!!! If you've not visited her, go ahead and do so, but come back, as I've got a few other giveaways to mention........
links to latch onto: (giveaways that you should take a look at.....)
A fresh new blog look, but a fresh new blog to me, is over at just has the most adorable blog design and the talent, OH MY GOODNESS. She and some of her friends are doing a mega giveaway, so go over and check out all the sewing, cooking and photography talent over there.....and I think there's even a blog designer in the mix, but don't even enter that one, because it's gonna be mine...all mine......teehee....

And lastly, have I gone on too long, my friends???? Have a totally terrific weekend with your family, friends and those you love. Take care,
Congratulations to the winners and a great big thank-you to you, Suzanne, for hosting such a nice giveaway!
Happy Saturday to you, my friend!
~Michelle :)
Oh many great goodies. Congrats to the lucky winners. Looks like I have a lot of bloggin to do today. I am a little under the weather(compliments of the Texas ragweed season!). So looks like I better get to bloggin! Hugs from NE Texas. Have a blessed one.
Congrats to all the winners. You are a busy girl. Enjoy your weekend.
Thank you for the sweet words, it really made my day! I am amazed and excited to have won! Can't wait to show you what I plan on doing with them, thank you for hosting such a nice giveaway. Oh and thank you for the tip about the email (would have never thought about it...), and I am totally embarrased to say it took me about 20 minutes to figure out how to do it (I am so technically challenged).
Thank you again, hope you have a great weekend!
Take care - Alyshia
Hi Suzanne,
First...congrats to the winners!!! Next...thank you so much for blogging about the Southern Lady Celebration giveaway!
And, I am going to check out Pleasant Home....I just love the name of it already!!! Thanks for a great post full of blogging info! Nancy
Hi Suzanne,
I am so excited to be one of the winners of your generous giveaway. I can't wait to try these disc plate hangers. I have a few plates in mind that I'd like to hang. Thank you so much and thank you also for your kind words about my blog. I look forward to exploring the other blogs you mentioned.
Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.
Congratulations to the winners. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway! I have added both of these talented ladies to my followers list. They have wonderful blogs. Isn't it fun meeting new friends on blogger? Have a great weekend. Love & blessings from NC!
Congrats to the winners! Can't wait to check out the new blogs. Thanks for the recommendations!
Congrats to your winners and I'm off to visit the new friends! YOu also have a lovely (long) weekend!
Hugs, Lisa
Oo I like your blog! Cant wait for next post!
Drats! I missed your Giveaway! Came over through BeckyK. This gift was even more special since I am "saved by Grace," too!
It's so nice to make your acquaintance! I'm going to look around some more.
Hugs from California, KJ
Congrats to the winners! Thanks so much for mentioning my giveaway and I look forward to checking out the others you mentioned!
I love the links you posted. I'm off to check them out. Thanks for all the great links.
Congratulations to the winners! Hope you've had a great weekend!
Congratulations to the winners!
Wow! So many great giveaways, how did I miss that? Oh, I remember, the hubster was home...I don't to play so much when he is home. Got to spend all of my time with him. : )
Have a great week!
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