I figure if I can entertain you for a few minutes, you won't realize that I've gotten few of my goals done this week....at least concerning Fall decorating. I've done many, many other things....as well as putting some or a million fires out; well,
not literally. That's what I call when you get sidetracked a few million times a day or week....kind of like the alligator game at Chuck E Cheese, where the alligator head keeps popping up and you have to bop it back down...and it keeps popping up faster and faster...??? Remember that one? In my world, putting out fires is doing things like running errands, taking the flash drive up to school when my daughter had to have it, but left it at home in the computer, making a few deliveries, picking up those two or three items that you really need to finish dinner, etc.....you know you know what I mean, and I know you know what I mean......distracted yet???? So I went on an internet hunt...do you do that??? Sometimes it's fun to google something and see what images you get.....so here's a few fun ones I thought I'd share.

This little friend was found over
here on HGTV........adorable, yes???
And this giant "pumpkin" is actually made out of IMPATIENS and was spotted in the Dallas Arboretum.... I found it by googling pumpkin topiaries....didn't make a run to Dallas for y'all today to get this pic! Isn't it amazing????

These caught my eye, as they just seem to be the perfect combination of colors and textures........found
And lastly I leave you with a photo that ALWAYS makes me smile!!!

Have a great Friday, y'all! I'll be on the run again.......take care!
Cool pumpkin pics, Suzannne. Yes, the first one is adorable and the impatiens pumpkin is amazing. Hey, there's always another day! I'm a big list maker and I live in perpetual frustraton because my lists are almost never completed in the order I so carefully plan them! Have a perfect weekend...Kathy
Shame on you for not having all your fall decorations out. One demerit against your southern status. Because, you know my home is all decked out for fall....... (NOT!). :)
Neat pumpkin pictures. And I too love the baby in the pumpkin picture.
HELLO! I wanted to thank you for finding my blog. I look forward to browsing yours. Be sure to stop back often, and I'll be sure to do the same!
Ha ha ~ your week and my week sound like they were similar! (You already know about my LAUNDRYFEST yesterday!)
Such cool pumpkin pictures! I haven't bought any real pumpkins/gourds/etc. yet. There is a self-serve farm stand down the road where I usually go so I'll probably do that this weekend :)
Enjoy your weekend, Suzanne!
great ideas, thanks for doing the search for me. I need that baby picture.
I remember when when my kids were in school . . . my most loved memory of "putting out fires" is te time my daughter forgot her volleyball jersey, and I had to wash it and drive to town with it flying out my window so it could dry. She is a teacher now and just last year I had to bring her something she forgot.
Some things never change. But that's okay, I secretly enjoyed it.
Have a great weekend.
Thanks for bringing the pumpkin patch to Blogville.:)
Fun images!! Love the baby amid the pumpkins
Have a wonderful weekend
I just pretended they were your comleted Fall decorations, because I totally understand your predicament. I love how you used the illustration of putting out the fires. Doesn't life often feel that way? The best part is that you did that post on it, so that we can all say..."we understand." I do like all the pictures that you chose to share from the Internet.
Wow, Suzanne...those are some pretty neat pictures! The one of the baby laughing is definitely my favorite!
Suzanne, I have got to tell you something. I may be wrong but do I understand right, you work for or ad for SLatH? Well about 4 years ago my GD worked for SLatH and I bought almost everything they had to offer at that time. One of those things was a Cranberry scone mix. I used it 2 days ago. 4 years old? Yes it was in a box, tightly packaged mix and it looked and smelled fine. They were great. I had wondered about scones and had never had one. So that is my testimony. Do they even still sell mixes?
SO so cute Suzanne! I love that little pumpkin person. What a great idea!
I know what you mean! Life has been SO crazy lately! I hope you get to do all of your fall decorating soon! I know it will look GREAT!
Great pics. Thanks for sharing them!!
Have a great weekend.
I love the pictures! You will get your fall decorating done as soon as you feel it needs to be done!
Hugs, Lisa
Hey Neighbor, I've been a stranger but I thought I'd pop on over and say "hi." I haven't forgotten about you. I love the fall pics.
Very cool pumpkinny stuff! And I can completely relate to getting sidetracked!
Very cool pumpkinny stuff! And I can completely relate to getting sidetracked!
You got the flashdrive call? I've already gotten that one this year too.
We have just been in Dallas for a couple of days. I thought about going to the Arboretum but we didn't have time. I love it there so much! Your pictures are beautiful and inspiring.
Just love that baby...makes me smile! And yes I know what putting fires out is....boy o boy rofl. cherry
Just love that baby...makes me smile! And yes I know what putting fires out is....boy o boy rofl. cherry
LOVE that last picture! And the scarecrow pumpkin topiary is too cute. I made two pumpkin topiaries for my front entry this week. They turned out really fun. Thanks for sharing!
How could that sweet baby NOT make me smile???! :)
Hey i love this pumpkin pictures.Thanks for posting.
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