So I leave you with this....which can be said of so many blogging friends....
C.S. Lewis:
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one."
at some point this week, I need to stay home and clean house and put out some pumpkins....what's your week look like??????
Doint my Bible study today - at the last minute. Class is tonight! Also, we are having the most glorious Fall weather. We have all the windows open and we are enjoying it.
Get you a Diet Coke while you are out running errands. That's what keeps me going. :)
I too am doing the last of my Bible study for class tonight. Need to get the dishes done and clean house
Daughter coming for a visit tomorrow :))
Hi Suzanne,
Sounds like you have a very nice week planned!
Thanks for your kind comment!
I have made soooo many changes to my diet these past few weeks!
No extra sodium, sugar or caffeine. It's really working!
We have been eating lots of salads with spinach leaves and fresh veggies steamed on the side. We use the GF grill and make lean chicken amd very lean steaks for our salads. I've been using Mrs Dash flavorings and they are really delicious. For breakfast I have a small bowl of Total or RB and two scrambles eggs and a piece of healthy fruit. For now the fruit is usually a small banana because one of my new meds for B/P is actually a water reduction pill. I know that's why the weight fell off so fast these past few weeks. I'm expecting it to slow down now.
I drink tons of water and unsweet decaf tea. For snacks it's usually a few almonds, cottage cheese (a small amount because of the sodium) and baby carrots and celery sticks.
~Blessings my friend, ~Melissa :)
When you have a moment to relax, stop by and see how I used one of your disc hangers. Your pumpkins in the last post are gorgeous. Love those rich colors.
Hi, I've been working on a large craft project for the last few of weeks and I'm trying to write. Been blocked there lately. Have a blessed day, the weather has been gorgeous up here in the panhandle of TX, hope yours has as well. I look forward to seeing your fall decorations. Looking to you for some inspiration. No pressure though.
I'm just trying to get caught up from having my girls home for the past two days because of all the flooding we've had. Plus, Abby was home for 4 days before that with the flu. So much to do, it's not even funny!
I love that quote...I need to get some pumpkins out too!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
Been able to do some sewing on my quilt since it is so gloomy and rainy outside. Gonna do a 5 word, whatever, can't remember without looking. I checked out the winner of the plate holders and it looks good. I will try to find some of those.
Continuing along on my suitcase project...hoping to finish soon. It has taken much longer than I thought....and still have that Fall decorating to do...planning to get started on Saturday morning or possibly Friday night. Wish work did not get in the way of my fun...drats.
My car is getting fixed...bummer~
Love your quote and the pic. Oh, yes, ma'am...I need to stay home this week doing lots! Among the list, preparing for our Saturday night couples Bible study, making dessert for it, cleaning bathrooms, etc. etc. etc. My pick me up is a pitcher if iced tea!
Have a great end of week...Kathy
Like it won't end! We have had more employee changes and I have to work for the 4th weekend in a row! YUCK!
Hope you get your hose clean. Mine is not even worth trying. I think I'll move! hehe
Hugs, Lisa
Hi Suzanne!
I need to stay in and clean my house too. You should see my craft room - it is a WRECK! I have been on a creative roll and have all kinds of projects all over the place.
This is a crazy week, but a good one. I hope yours is wonderful!
Love C.S. Lewis!!
Another CRAZY busy week here.
Love that picture and quote! Anything from C.S.Lewis is great!
Today, I am staying home and catching up from the last few weeks.
Don't overdo it today!
Thanks for the sweet comment today~ Have a great one!
great quote!
hmmm, on my to-do list, pick up some milk from the store sometime...even if I can't get in a whole shopping trip, if we have milk, we're okay.
love the pumpkins' bells!
Let's see: buy groceries, work on a couple of projects, do bible study lessons, birthday party for the little one, and whatever else pops up.
Lovin' this cooler weather around here.
i just stopped by to thank you so very much for the prayers while i was so sick.i totally aprreciate you.it truly meant so much...anniepoo
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