Be it Starbucks or any other favorite local coffee bar, you surely must have your favorite......Pumpkin Spiced Latte anyone?? Some folks don't like spices mixed in their coffee, and prefer chocolate or caramel.......some other favorite then?
A friend just sent this to me, and I thought I'd share, like a good friend would do! ;)

And with the money you save, you can make some of these MUMKINS.....isn't that the cutest??? PK from RoomRemixBlog featured these on her blog, and I think they are adorable!!
Speaking of pumpkins, I've got a few pumpkins in the works here at the Casa de SouthernInspiration!!! Come back tomorrow for the unveiling of the pumpkin patch!!!
I have missed everyone this week! Busy work week, behind on my blogging.
Love flavored coffees. Pumpkin spice is so yummy. May have to try my hand at making them.
Have a great weekend! I am hoping to see a little sunshine.
The title of this post made me click lightning fast to get here! HA! I LOVE pumpkin spice lattes! And oh.my.gosh. The MUMKINS!! They're adorable! I MUST make one of those. Can't wait to see what you've got in store with your pumpkins!
Spiced coffees...pumpkin spice lattes...french vanilla lattes...we drink most all of them. I like your pictures, makes me want one right now with our cool weather.
The Mumkins are so pretty. What a great idea. Can't wait to see what you come up with.
Love my flavored coffee too much....Had a free night to blog hop and enjoyed yours. Hope you will stop by new Christmas blog ...There is a great giveaway that I will draw for on Oct 1st and all you need to do to enter is comment. Hope you have a great weekend.
I had a bad experience with a Starbucks PSL last year and I canNOT try it again. I do, however, love their gingerbread lattes and a peppermint mocha is my staple during the holidays. :)
I like plain old coffee with skim milk. I will drink flavored coffee every now and then, but I don't like the creamers at all.
I love those Mumpkins. I've got to check out the link to see how to make them.
I don't drink coffee, but I LOVE starbucks flavored hot chocolates. So cozy.
I wished I drank coffee because I LOVE the smell of it. It woke me up every morning when I was a child. Great memory.
I love those mumkins too. So beautiful.
Thanks for sharing!
Love the Mumpkins. I have to bet some mums soon.
I've been seeing the PSL @ Starbucks lately. I don't really love it. I do love a vanilla latte or a mocha though. I went to a Target yesterday that has Starbucks. I was anticipating sipping that mocha while I shopped. No one was working in the Starbucks area. {crying icon} On the other hand, sometimes God does me favors like that. :)
Good Morning ~
Tall, non~fat, no~whip, mocha...please. It is practically my middle name! Cute post. Thank you for the link...I think that lattes should be a food group...don't you agree?
Have a great weekend.
Smiles ~ Ramona
I tried a PSL last year for the first time and enjoyed it, but I don't know that I could say I love it. However, in the summertime I like the Java Chip Frappaccinos (sp?)
The mumkins are adorable. What a cute idea. I look forward to seeing what will be in your pumpkin patch.
Thanks . I used to work on a special needs school bus and on days when we only had a few kids we would treat them to flavored coffee from the 7/11 with moms permission of course. It was great.I want some now.
Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha has a hold on me and just won't let go. I try to order something else, like one of the seasonal flavors...I have good intentions, but when I open my mouth to say Pumpkin Spice Latte please, it comes out as Give me my White Chocolate Mocha....NOW!!!
I like flavored coffee creamer in my coffee and they do make a Pumpkin Spice one (and a Gingerbread one) that I really like.
Out of all the fall decorations I have seen... the mumkins have my vote hands down... so clever.
that is also my flavor for coffee...pumkin yummy. It will have to wait till I get this five pounds off... I have nearly eaten several blogs today monitor and all.
I can do this... I can do this.... LOL.
Great post.
Lee @ Inspired Comblogulations
Oh Pumpkins! and the mumkins are just too cute!
LOVE my coffee drinks! Vanilla Latte from Starbucks is my new favorite!
Hugs, Lisa
Love the mumpkins too. I can only drink plain coffee, thank goodness. I would hate to have to try to give up all those calories. I have loved them in the past but did finally give them up. Your pics are so good I can almost smell them.
I've never seen a mumpkin...where have I been??? I love it!
I am sorry to say that I'm not a coffee fan at all....even with it doctored up with all that yummy goodness. My husband thinks I'm insane....lol!
I LOVE those "mumkins"....
absolutely ADORABLE!
Robin :o)
I love pumpkin spice and I like lattes. I was so excited to try Starbucks pumpkin spice latte. I got one for my husband too. Good thing I got the grande because I took one swig of it and didn't like it.
My favorite fall-ish Starbucks drink is their carmel apple drink. Katrina (my SIL who also posts on our blog) has the recipe for that. I really want her to post it because it is delish.
My favorite Starbucks drink is Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha, hot with whipped cream. Divine!! I like my drinks sweet;)
Anjeanette of the R&W girls
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