Recently at the Southern Living at HOME convention this door was featured in the Product Showcase. I thought it was beautiful!!! So what color is YOUR front door and what color would you paint it if you had your way????? I don't think my engineer husband would ever go for a purple door, but I sure do think it pops, don't you??????
Last fall I painted my front door red, but I was going back and forth whether to paint it red or purple. Now I wish I had picked purple. This door is gorgeous.
Our door is boring white. Builder's grade door. I really would love to upgrade it!! Maybe to a beautiful oak! Maybe we should try painting it first. I think I would love a black door if we paint it! But I do love that purple! Very pretty. Enjoy your day!
WOW, who would of thought a purple door would be that pretty. Gorgeous really.
I don't think I could pull it off on my house, but it is very appealing.
My front door is Hunter Green. Think that is what it will stay for now.
Love that front door. My front door is currently red. I like it. But I've recently been wondering if I needed to change the colors on the exterior of my house to flow more with the interior. Wonder what color shutters would look good with that purple door.
I've always wanted a red front door. If I had my druthers, I'd have a Christmas wreath on it all year long. (Now, no Christmas lights! That's just so..."Redneck Woman" LOL)
Love the color but I don't think it would go with my traditional home. Mine is stained glass and is stained. I love all the bright colors that are being used on homes today. Have a great week!
What a pretty door Suzanne! I LOVE a painted door. I don't understand people that leave their doors white. Mine is a shade of mocha right now but it's been about 5 years and I am ready for a change. Maybe red?
What a beautiful front door Suzanne! I adore the warmth of the color and that it's different. ~Lovely job!
Thank you for the sweet visit.
Have a blessed day.
~Melissa :)
I am so out of the loop! To that purple front door I would have to say, "No Thanks!"
Ours is white b/c T claims he likes it that way. I think that he is just too lazy to paint it!!! I'd love to spray paint our vinyl shutters black and do a black front door with white house numbers on the front, but I don't think he'd go for that. I'm going to humor him on this one since I don't really give him a say on anything else regarding decorating in the house. :s
My front door is hunter green. I would probably paint it barn red, if I could. That color on the door definitely makes a statement! I'm not sure if I'd be brave enough to put that color on my own door.
I don't think that New Territory would go for a purple door! Sure would look distinctive, though.
A purple door is just not me, but the decorations are beautiful. My engineer husband wouldn't go for that either. Our door is boring white with a lovely colorful wreath and door mat.
I love that door, but don't have the nerve to paint mine that color. Ours is Hunter Green but needs a new color. We put Country Brown shutters on our beige colored brick home, but have not painted the door yet. The green looks like everybody elses door.
Pretty color! Mine use to be black but I have just recently painted it a tan and love it!
So pretty, all the elements make this lovely.
Mine is stained and boring!
My good friend down the street had a purple door and it looked beautiful!! Before I saw hers or the one on this post, I would have said "no" to even the suggestion of that color for a front door. But, my friend can pull it off because she does amazing things with colors. Me, my door is a Benjamin Moore red(the red of sweet cherries). What color is your front door, Suzanne?
It was my husband that went to Tech. I was home having babes..hehe. He graduated in 93 I think. I will ask and get back to ya on that one.
That's the prettiest purple door EVER!
Mine is red.
And it is one of my favorite things.
Yes, it certainly does pop. Not sure I could pull it off, and live with it, but its certainly different.
It took great courage to paint my front door burgundy, I can't imagine painting it purple although I adore the color. I love my door and am so happy I gathered my courage and did something different.
love the architecture on the door but the color not so much. maybe the flash is throwing it off? another vote for a husband who'd say no way! thanks for stopping by the blog and for your concern!
Our home is painted a celery green and the front door is a darker sagey green. I want a taupe colored house with a black door and black shutters...you know, more Southern:)
I have a red front door. The purple is gorgeous!
It just so happens that today I'll be painting our front door purple!! So far it's been white (when we moved in) purple, dark brown, and dark blue. I've decided to go back to purple. I picked up a can of Rare Wine by Valspar on a whim, and that's the colour I'll be using.
Kelly @ DesignTies
I painted all my exterior doors a pretty lavender purple as well as my shutters (I have white siding and a brown shingles roof) about 5 years ago and I loved them!
I am looking for a change though and I am thinking red doors with black shutters but I cannot afford to change my shingles to black...any suggestions? I may need to stay with purple but go with a different shade...
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