You take a basic pants hanger... this is actually the second set I bought. The first one came from WalMart and actually had the little swing away bar, for easy removal of the item from the bar. These are those flocked kind that help things stay on and not slip off. You choose. You place your tablecloths on each little bar and they hang rather than being crammed or wadded. The closet is my coat closet not far from the dining room, and we really don't need a closet for coats anyway, so it houses many things, including my tablecloths. It works! To the left you'll see a stray tote bag, that could probably be donated. To the right, a stray bag of faux flowers that will probably also be donated. A good way, though, to keep extra things is to put them in a bag, and hook over a hanger in a closet.....keeps them off the floor, and I like that!

Oooh, I seriously LOVE this idea and it's so TIMELY. I'm drowning in table cloths right now. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Good idea! This will keep them more wrinkle free too!
That IS an aha moment! What a great idea! Thanks so much and thanks too for the links. I am going to check them out!
Cool idea. Thanks for sharing!
On my way to check out the other blogs you mentioned. Won! Misti from Studio M Designs will be creating a personalized 11x14 custom canvas painting. You get to pick your style, theme, colors and your last name or name you want on it. She will need your mailing address and you can give her your info. for the painting. How exciting! Can't wait for you to show it to all of us!! Congratulations!!
Hugs to you,
Nice idea. I roll works better than folding, but I'm definely going to try this idea. Thanks for the tip.
I give that idea two thumbs up! :)
No, it really is a wonderful idea!! I hadn't thought of that! Mine are all stuffed into a drawer--it's awful. They require ironing every time I want to use them. This is fantastic! THANKS!
PS Keep forgetting to tell you--I think the fluting pie crust with a fork idea is awesome! I never think of easy things like that. That's why I need you in my blogging life. To shed light on solutions like that! :o)
Great solution! You should submit this to RealSimple magazine...they do a section on original, then alternative use for items. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Suzanne ~ LOVE your blog background too! I didn't see it when I was choosing, or I might have picked it too! I like you table cloth idea too! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving comments. I LOVE that!
This idea really beats shoving them all into a Rubbermaid container in the top of my closet and having it fall on my head every time I drag it out. Thanks for the idea.
PS - Wonder if you could cut one of the rungs and thread your napkin rings onto it for safe storage with the matching table cloths?
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