Lucie and Aggie

Aggie has lived with us for ten years now....he's a little old and crochity...........and has been an only dog for all this time.....Enter Lucie! She is a drama girl, who loves to play. When she first came to live with us, she was tiny, and he was bigger than she. Rather quickly she has grown to tower over him. She loves to stand over him and his short little self fits right under her long legs! She also teethes and loves to nibble and bite. (We are working to quell that behavior!) She loves to nibble Aggie's long ears! Aggie doesn't like that part about Lucie! He has learned to be VERY patient. The other remarkable thing about Lucie is that she has a STRONG desire to eat Aggie's food. He also has a strong desire to eat her yummy puppy food. Perhaps he thinks it is the fountain of youth!!

So this morning, I was sitting at the kitchen table as they were eating, standing guard if you will. You have to keep them each eating their own food. Lucie tries to be quite manipulative. She stands from a distance looking at Aggie's tempting bowl of Weight Management food, even though her own bowl is a foot away full of Puppy (read High Energy!) food. One must know hers tastes more like a sirloin and his tastes like a salad....Which one would YOU choose????
So as I worked diligently to direct her back to her own bowl, steering her away from his 1/2 cup of salad, I thought to I like this? Do I stare longingly at the things others have, disregarding the abundance I have within my the walls of my own home? Am I truly satisfied with the blessing given me from God or am I longing for someone else's dogfood???? That was a challenge to me today, and I thought I 'd share it with you....
The apostle Paul spoke of learning to be content in Phillipians chapter four....he had been through a lot to bring him to a spirit of contentedness. And I am to learn from that and from my two dogs that God has given me what I need. What I will need in the future, He will give me.
Will I chooose to be satisfied with that? Will I be satisfied with this body and some of the recent failings I have found in it? Will I deal with the disappointments that brings in a way that points to Him or to me....I will write further about that in days to come. But in the meantime, I must rest in the fact that HE gives me what I need. Lucie and I will be learning together, it seems, that our master provides what is right for us. Come along on our walk and join us, won't you?
Have a good day, my friends.
Words well spoken....I think you are right, it is one of our failings that we always want more: always think that someone else has a better life, etc. I'm going to pause for a moment and give thanks for what I have (and not think about what I want). Thanks for bringing that home as a food for thought. Great post.
Great food for thought. We all get caught up in the things we cannot have sometimes. I have a plaque that says. "The Best Thing in Life, isn't Things."
Aren't you smart to see the similarities. I'm so glad I read this today!
What a wonderful message you shared with us today, Suzanne...thanks a bunch!
You have definitely got me thinking this morning. Thanks!
How amazing that you thought of that just by watching your two dogs! Truly beautiful. Makes me wonder if I am truly content with what I have or am I wishing I was more like so and so? I love the picture you use on Saturdays post also and the scripture there as well. Great inspiration!!! Thanks!
Hi Suzanne,
What a sensitive, beautifully-written post! I'm so glad I stopped by today. Great "food" for thought! ;)
Well said, Suzanne! Aggie is adorable...he looks like a "grumpy old man." ;)
Very well said, Suzanne. You often times have so much for us to really "chew" on when we come to your blog. We are about to start a new Bible study on contentment. I think it will go right along with what you are saying. Thanks for making us think along with our decorating! Donna
Really great one! We do have what we need. And the question that hits too is If my house is burning what would I take? I like to test myself on this one when I get carried away with want. Thanks for sharing!
Hugs, Lisa
There is definitely a message here for Miss Janice! I struggle with being content with what I have. While I love everything and everyone and that "have," I'm always window shopping for more things. Thank you for your inspiration!
I love that you found this lesson in watching your dogs. I try to focus on the many things I am grateful for instead of wishing for what I don't have. I know His plan is perfect--thanks for the reminder!
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