I am not amused. I have lost my blogger reading list...........does anyone else have this issue? All the blogs I had on my list at the bottom of the Dashboard page have gone poof! I cannot keep up with ALL my blogging friends that I need to check on daily. So I sit here with my coffee, wondering how am I EVER going to build that list back up????? It's silly to be distraught over something like this, perhaps, but it's got me all discombobulated.....I hope it's just a Blogger issue and it will all magically reappear, so if you are having this issue, please leave a comment or email me so that I can have hope it may indeed reappear. Otherwise, I am not able to access all my friends' blogs without hopping all over blogland and trying to find you and add you back. This is an SOS call I guess to at least have you comment, so I will have a link to add you back. Thanks, friends.
Thanks to all who left comments.......shhhhh, I am going to try to curb my enthusiasm lest I find myself back in the same state I was in (and the Blogger buggymonsters hear my excitement and make things go POOF again!! ) but it looks like for the moment that they are back.....I am ecstatic, but in a very reserved sort of way...LOL. I can visit my friends again, with untold abandon. EXCEPT: this little problem ignited a cleaning spark and I need to go about the Casa with my dust rag and vacuum for a little longer......when I need to take a break, you know where I am going to come!! Back to our precious little community of bloggers to see who's doing what and where, and see and love on my dear friends!! :)
Hope you have a productive day as well...and thanks again.
That is seriously a bummer. Did you look at the dashboard to see if it's still there? Maybe it is...try to save and reinstall. Seems like that happened to me once.
My list is gone too...I am hoping it is a temporary blogger problem. I can still read in google reader and we should be able to import our blog list from there but when I try I get an error msg. that says try again in 30 seconds. I am curious to know how many others are having this problem. I did panic at first...the thought of re-entering all of those blogs is overwhelming
but I felt a little better when I could see them all in google reader. Good luck and let me know if you find out anything about this issue.
We'll keep our fingers crossed that it's a blogger issue that gets worked out!
No, girls my google reader page shows NO blogs.....sigh....back to the drawing board, eh????
That happened to me before and it reappeared the next day. Hopefully it is just temporary.
I'll bet it is a blogger issue with the app and it will probably show back up in a day or two...you might remember a similar thing happened to me a few weeks ago in regards to my follower's list....It's really depressing because you don't want to lose track of the friends you have gained....most likely they are doing some kind of maintenance or something, so just hold on sister and have faith. Bloggy faith that is!!
Suzanne, I'm so sorry to hear you lost your blog list. I hope it is just a temporary thing. If not, maybe this will help you to find me again.
Mine was but now it's back Must have been a blogger issue.
Mine is back now...Hope yours has reappeared too!
I hope by now it is back and all is well. Crazy things happen on my blog occasionally but they are usually right again by the next day.
Well that would have sent me into a tailspin! Blogger is quiet buggy sometimes. I went through a phase where my followers list wouldn't show up for like 2 weeks. Glad all is back as it should be and no more gremlins come calling!
Glad the disaster was averted. Sometimes blogger is a mystery. Hope you have a great day!
Hey Suzanne,
It's okay my friend! Mine was also gone all day yesterday and today it's back without doing anything. Blogger has issues alot and then they just get fixed on their own.
Evey single time I get upset over my blog problems my hubby just says "ride it out" and he's right.
Have a blessed day,
~Warmly, Melissa ;)
Oh good!!!! I see yours are back on too. :)
I've heard that some other bloggers were having problems, too, but none for me...knock on wood!
Mine was gone too this morning. Now it is back. I am lost without my list too. Thanks for your sweet comments about my new job! Have a great day. Love & blessings from NC!
WOW! Mine is fine but it was 7:30 pm when I logged on today! Glad I didn't have to have a fit!
Sorry you did.
Hugs, Lisa
Same here! It started yesterday for me, and turned into a whole bunch of issues. Crossing my fingers that everything is fixed. It was a bummer b/c today was my blog party. Thankfully, Blogger seems to have fixed (most?) issues for now. :)
That is not good! I am having blogger issues too. It wouldn't let me in to my blog or any other blogger blogs from yesterday until about 6 pm tonight.
I hope you get everything figured out.
I can't imagine how disappointing that would be. Everyone wants on your list. Hope today is a better one for you. Cute picture depicting your situation.
Glad every thing is working for now. Crazy how computers just have a mind of their own sometimes! Love, love, love that picture..sort of looks like me in the mornings!
Well my reader list didn't disappear, but blogger threatened to shut me down for being a "spam" blog! URGH!
Suzanne, I had the same thing happen to me. Luckily it came back yesterday morning! I was pretty upset too.
That is the cutest picture of you drinking your coffee! ;;)
Wow, I can't decide if that would be a curse or a blessing. I spend SOOOOOO much time on the computer.
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