Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dear Family,

I will be accepting gifts/tokens of appreciation for Administrative Professionals Day.  I do plenty of administrating daily and do it quite professionally, I might add.  Do you have clean clothing?  Do you have healthy (ok, semi-healthy!) meals?  Are you scheduled for the Dr. and dental appointments you need?  And are you supplied with transportation to get to those appts?  Do you have all the forms you need completed and ready to turn in?  Are you supplied with a lunch and a kiss as you make your way out the door each day?  And all of these happen routinely, with no secretary !  Wow, don't you think that's impressive?  I thought you would. That's why I am called a Domestic Engineer, and also double as an Administrative Professional Assistant. 
So in all humility, I am willing to accept your gifts of appreciation.  Hugs and kisses and thank yous are gladly accepted as well.  Thank you and have a great day!

Oh, goodness, I forgot to tell you that I am linking up to a fun, fun party for this post....Marla at Always Nesting is hosting WooHoo Wednesday for her first time. What a great party she has prepared for us...go right over and see her!  Tell her I said hi.


Anonymous said...

Too funny but sooooo true!!

Leslie said...

Hahaha... I hope we all get the respect we deserve today! Cute post!

Stacey said...

You couldn't be more right!!

Lynn said...

You are sooo right!!

Love this post!!


Anonymous said...

Of course you can Woo Hoo! and get some well deserved respect all at the same time :) Glad you joined us for the fun at Woo Hoo! Wednesday.

Lisa said...

Awesome!! I need this too. My family cannot even do their checkbooks without me. Mom, Dad and sister, I don't want to take care of their mess!! ;)
Hugs, Lisa

Anonymous said...

LOL, I have done the same thing sooo many times. I blame it on my menopause brain.

Tammy @BeatriceBanks said...

So true! I second this!

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne. Woo Hoo to you. I haven't been by for a time. I just get a little slower each day. Yes I agree Adm. Assist. is the title for moms and everything else in the career world. blessings

Just a little something from Judy said...

I was taking care of this for my husband and his administrative assistants, but I never thought to remind him that I should be remembered too. This was quite true and did make me smile. You often do...thank you!

Unknown said...

remember me? never! when I left for 6 days 2 weeks ago, my husband and son called the local culinary school and asked if they could hire a cook for 5 days. NO JOKE. the college laughed at them and hung up. Some people can not live without the "enablers" in their lives, but will they "appreciate" them, like going to see the "Jersey Boys" concert in the big city? No way. We live to serve. :)

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I know your family is proud to have you take such good care of them! I hope they pampered you today. Love & blessings from NC!

Joyce said...

Oh how true! I hope you got something good : )

Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

thanks for your visit and sweet words...I'm so glad to be back. I'm going to catch up on all those posts that you have written and I have missed, so I'll be snooping around for awhile. Hope this post gets you some appreciation...but we both know it probably won't. least we know they love us and if we didn't make it look so easy, they would really understand how hard it is, so we have ourselves to blame.

Darlene said...

I LOVE it and it is SOOOOO true!!!

Happy@Home said...

Now that is good. Mind if I borrow it? LOL. :-)

Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

We work hard!
We are also on-site exterminators!
That post was cute!
Did you get some hugs and kisses from your family?
I'll bet you get them every day, too!
I do, it's what I work for.
That and to please my Lord.
Thank you for your sweet thoughts on my master bedroom!
Stop by anytime!
Blessings as you make your home!

Sonny G said...

You hit the nail on the head~! loved this post.


Love the Decor! said...

Soo funny but true thats what we do!!
thanks for hoping over and leaving such sweet comments I have only been a grandma for a few days but i am telling you it is the best!! I am excited for you!!