Saturday, January 31, 2009
A few quick and easy recipes.....

Friday, January 30, 2009
A random winner!!!! and no more gnarly necklaces!
Here are your random numbers:
NOW to tame the big chunky necklaces that get all gnarly when they are stuffed in the drawer...I give you some organization...which is a BIG bonus at my house!! Repurposed and looking great! It doesn't stay in my kitchen, however! It does live in my bedroom on the dresser, as it should be! ;)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
O-fficial 100th post!!!

Gee, it does feel pretty good to do something so consistently that you've managed to actually do it one hundred times, doesn't it? What else have you done one hundred times??? Ok, blogging is pretty easy to do consistently, but notice I didn't say every day.......there are just times when life happens and blogging doesn't make the cut of priorities for the day. Truthfully my family would rather EAT than read my latest blog post for the day.....(can you imagine?? eye roll, here! LOL!)
Anyway, it is very fun to post pictures, discuss decorating, homemaking,crafts and re-dos, daily challenges, etc., and have oh. so. gracious internets comment with encouragement and compliments. Who DOESN"T love that???? So please keep those comments coming! That's what drives me to the next post!
So Yes, I am going to host a giveaway.......to celebrate. By the way, this image was found here from a teacher with lots of good ideas for marking a 100th day of something.
To celebrate this blogaversary, I am going to give away 100 pieces of something delectable.....if you prefer chocolate, then it will be something chocolate; if you prefer Jelly bellies or starbursts then that's what your 100 will be....because I'm flexible like that and I want my followers to LOVE me!! haha. What would be your choice?? Tell me in your comment!
So post a comment, tell everyone about it, and you'll get a chance to win your 100! Ok, it might be pennies but it won't be dollars, because you know we are in a downturned economy!! Just didn't want you getting your hopes up!!! Thanks for coming by and leaving blogging encouragement, and for sticking around....
Tomorrow I plan to post an idea for organizing necklaces.......don't you hate it when they get all tangled up????? I'd rather not spend my time untangling them...oh, and you'll be happy to know I re-organized my pantry too, and I'm oh.so.happy with it. It just needs so much help, that pantry! Till tomorrow! Don't forget to leave your comments to sign up for the 100th celebration giveaway!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
two posts in one day??? YES!!!
These are beach pictures we had taken a few summers ago, when we were all together as a family. I framed them in frames that have a resemblance to driftwood to keep the beach theme throughout. I love this grouping!

This grouping is when my son graduated from high school. We hired a photographer to come to our back yard since we had some little ones that might make a photo shoot somewhere else a little more challenging. Plus it was a whole lot easier and took lots less time!

Lastly, this is in my foyer; these prints my hubby brought back from Paris.....he spent only a few dollars on them (or euros, I should say) but it cost a pretty penny to frame them the way I wanted!! They are VERY valuable to me now! lol!!!
Twenty seven years ago.......
And this same little boy learned to play a French Horn, played a few seasons of baseball, then went on to be a responsible teen who managed a part time job and a high school diploma with really good grades!
What is most impressive now to me though is the young man he has become, the man that God is fashioning. He is compassionate and tender hearted, wise and kind, and lots neater/cleaner than he was as a teen!! LOL! I love to have phone conversations with him and learn what's going on in their lives, and I am so thankful to God for all the blessings He has given us as a family! Happy Birthday, Russell, we love you!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009
Monday, monday..........

Donna over at "47th street designs" tagged me to do the picture post tag....you know, find the fourth pic in the fourth folder and describe it......so let's see what we get. Oh, this is the head of the household here at SI's Casa......my dear, sweet, diy-er hubby. Here, he is painting the faccia boards and such so we can have a new gutter installed along the back of the house. The old one was wrecked when Ike blew the tree over on our house!!!
Oh, and I'm supposed to tag four other bloggers to play along.......will you join in the fun?
I'll pick:
My friend Lorri at
http://chocojavaeuromom.blogspot.com (she's got GREAT Europe pics!)
Paula at
http://virginiasweetpea.blogspot.com (she is very creative in lots of ways and has a gorgeous garden!)
Serah at
http://honeysuckleandcupcakes.blogspot.com (has an adorable little guy!)
and my fourth:
my new friend at New Day, NewSeason......
http://newdaynewseason.blogspot.com (a new blogger who can use some bloggy traffic and love!)
Onto other pleasant things, I visited the Pottery Barn last week and while scoping out the bargains, found some oh so nice goodies to bring home from their 75% off area! Wahoo! I love Pottery Barn at 75% off!! So here's what I got. It wall all in the holiday clearance section, but being the practical SI that I am, I scored the bargains that will work for other things than just the Christmas holidays....my favorite is a red/cream polka dotted runner. It was called a snowflake tablerunner, but much like the snow here in our area, the snow is NON-Existent.....I'd rather have polka dots anyway! I also got some mercury glass chubby candlesticks, some silver STAR plates, three pink tinted mercury glass votive holders, and some green/white striped grograin ribbon! Jill, you know how we love our ribbon!
So just take a peek at what I got!! You might want to take a little blogging break and run over to see what's left for you!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
The potter.......

But now, O Lord, Thou art our Father
We are the clay, and Thou our potter;
And all of us are the work of Thy hand.
What about you? Do you feel God molding you, making you into a vessel for His glory?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Usually I am the last to know....

Thursday, January 22, 2009
sharing the crock pot love.....
I got this crock pot for a wedding gift.

So these lovely ladies will be working together now.......sharing the crock pot responsibilities at the SI Casa....both are quite happy with this new arrangement!
If you, too, would like to add a new crock pot, or a first one, check out this week's Target flier......a black or a white one for only $24.95. The stainless one will set you back $39.95. Both are a steal really for the job that they do! Nothing like coming home from church with dinner smells wafting through the house, and a hot meal "table- ready"! Wahoo!
So to make my turkey breast in the crock pot, you take a turkey breast, defrosted or nearly completely defrosted, and sit her carefully into the crockpot. Slather her skin with olive oil.....a great moisturing treatment! Then sprinkle her with seasoning of your choice. I use a lot! I use salt, pepper, Tony Chachere's (that's CAJUN spices!) some garlic powder, and whatever else spills out of the spice cabinet. Oh, and I also put a piece of onion, or maybe a whole one in the turkey cavity. Be sure and remove that gravy packet if there is one.....not good in the crock pot! Ok, so she's moisturized with olive oil, sprinkled with herbs and spices, and then I turn the crock pot on for a few hours. Now what I have to say here, is that from this point, it is experimental. In my old crock pot, I would cook it for a few hours on a medium setting, about 350 degrees. In my new one, I'm thinking maybe six hours on low or four on high, but I'll have to report back on that to see if it's accurate. I've cooked it long enough that it was falling off the breast bone, so you don't have to cook it that long....but it was NEVER dried out. It is the moistest way to cook a turkey breast. And I do not add water or broth to the bottom, but if it makes you nervous to do so, go ahead and add a quarter cup or so in the bottom. It will make it's own juice, trust me. So feel free to ask any questions in the comments if I've left out any pertinent details......
oh, and I really DIDN'T start using my crock pot at the tender age of nine...that part IS JUST a bunch of crock!!! ;)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A fresh new look for the entry table....

Monday, January 19, 2009

What about you.....do you play Bunko?
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Wednesday and Thursday flew by......

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Love is......

"Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle." Author Amy Bloom
Monday, January 12, 2009
I heard that sigh of contentedness....

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Do canisters and platters cry out????

I tried to join Rhoda's party of Before and Afters the other day and blogger wouldn't let me post photos......so this is one of my little tiny b&a's......the other is my major kitchen re-do after Hurricane Ike. Anyway,

Notice you cannot see the front of the fridge...it's a little cluttered right now, and needs a little help. So what do you think, does the Luminary need something inside it, or should I leave it as is? I am thinking the big bowl needs something in it, like red apples or green apples, what do you think????
Now my canisters and my platter are very happy, don't you think????
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I actually won something!! And you can, too!

Jenjen over at Tatertots&Jello has a great idea. She was inspired by someone else to have a Pay it Forward giveaway........she said her first three commenters would win a handmade treat from her....well, hard to believe, but I was commenter #3!!! How cool is that? So while I'll be anxiously waiting to see what I get from her, I'll be planning my own Pay it Forward giveaway. She challenged us, as she had been challenged to hold a giveaway of something handmade.....yea, I can do that! I have several ideas in mind already.
So here's how it works:
Be one of the first three bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me. (I promise, it will be good.)
–Winners must post this challenge on your blog, meaning that you will Pay It Forward, creating a handmade gift for the first three bloggers who leave a comment on YOUR post about this giveaway!
–The gift that you send to your Three Friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And, remember: It’s the Spirit and the Thought That Count!
–When you receive your gift, please feel free to blog about it, sharing appropriate Linky Love!
If you are not one of the Top Three Commenters on this post, you can still play along. Please take the button and post it on your blog; start your own Pay It Forward chain, and encourage your blogging friends to do the same!
Ok, the giveaway.... starts..... now!!!! And go on over to Jen's and show her some bloggy love!! We all love comments, don't we?Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Make a list of things that are totally possible to do....

and it will sure make you feel like you are making lists and checking them off in a HUGE moment of success!! I was reading the publication REAL SIMPLE the other day, and it was filled with all manner of lists and organizing tips to help get your 2009 off to a great start. I don't know about you, but I need all the help I can get in the organization department. I would be the Queen of Organizationally Challenged if there were a caste of such individuals......perhaps I should get Mary Engelbreit to make me a sign or a pin to proclaim my accomplishments, but I then might decide that I need to hide behind it as I'm not sure this is the thing in which my mamma would claim the deepest pride. It truly is something I struggle with. I hope we have cubbies in heaven, is all I'm saying. A place to keep my wings, my harp, my music, my sandals, etc.
Anyway, back to Real Simple.......lots of great lists to get you off to a great start. However, the most clever of the lists was the one on the very back page of the magazine. "the to-do list you can actually do"...........I'm thinking I need a list like this. If I take their list and personalize it for myself it would look like this:
Hit the snooze button at least once.
Put a pair of socks on if it's cold. Take them off if you get hot.
Eat chocolate.
Shampoo, rinse, condition, rinse.
Forget to floss.
Blog a little bit, or a lot.
Forget to put clothes in the dryer.
Screen phone calls.
Skip the exercise routine today.
Read a paragraph in a book and reread it to get the meaning. Put the book down.
Get sucked into watching Oprah while folding clothes.
Order out for dinner.
Lights out.
I will feel so successful when I finish this list, because I found the paper, thought through the list, made the list, kept up with the list, checked off items on the list and actually finished a day's worth of my list! WooHoo.....wanna join me????
I'm feeling a little under the weather today so my goals are not real lofty as you can tell......and also wanted to let you know that this is just a stock photo, and not the cover of the current Jan 09 Real Simple Magazine. It has some pencils, a notepad and a cup of hot chocolate on the front of it. And it obviously has January 2009 on it, too! It includes 20 essential lists to organize your life. If I get thru the whole magazine, ya'll just might not recognize me in my successfully organized self.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Yes, I'll accept this award....thanks so much!

I hope I am doing this correctly, and to make sure I've posted the rules that came along with this award.......
Domestic Bliss--Cathy, a great friend who is talented and oh so sweet
Sweet Pea--Paula, another good friend who is a teacher, an athlete, and a talented decorator
Designs on 47th Street--Donna, the Queen of gorgeous Faux Flowers!
Southern Somedays--Belle Ah, a true Southern Belle!
Add More Chocolate--Renee, a great friend who loves to cook and teach
Athomeinthecountryjill--Jill, who could use the blog love as she lost her blog and is rebuilding!
Controlling My Chaos--Jill, too! My northern neighbor who will tickle your funny bone daily!
Rue's Peanut Butter and Jelly Life--Rue, who is very talented in making a house a home.
Mabel's House--Liz, who is a very talented writer who writes from the heart!
Between Naps on the Porch--Susan, who is revealing her gorgeous porch and a big fat secret!
So this will help us get to know one another by visiting blogs that you might not have visited before! So go meet some of my friends! Thanks, and have a great day!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Fifteen minutes later.....and ON THE GO......
Today my son and I ran some errands together. List in hand, we started out, and my tasks are about 50% complete....at 2:25. I love having my son home for the holidays...he's a freshman at Texas A&M. We miss him, but he is having a great time and doing so well. We are so proud of you, son!
Anyway, we got the car cleaned, ran by the bank and the post office, exchanged something at the Gap and made a stop by Wal-Mart. I still have to run out to Whole Foods and to Target. What errands do you run in your town? When I grocery stop, I shop at Kroger or HEB, which is a Texas chain. For a quick neighborhood stop, I'll go to Randall's, which is owned by Safeway. I really don't like to shop there often. For other things, I like WalMart or Target, which is my favorite of the two. We have a couple of Hobby Lobby and Michael's stores for crafting, and just got Home Goods in the last year. That's a fun errand! There's always TJ Maxx or Marshall's or Ross. For thrift stores, there are a couple of Goodwill stores and some smaller community thrift stores. I never seem to be quite as lucky, though, as some of my blog friends who find amazing buys at the thrift store! I really don't do a whole lot of shopping, but the options are pretty good around here. We have a large mall, and there are a couple of "outlet" malls if I want to drive about 25 or 30 minutes. I can't say that we lack for anything, except maybe a Trader Joe's....and some other really good stores I've heard you all talk about. All in all, we have most things within driving distance. I live outside of Houston, so I can always drive in if we don't have it out here.
So what's on your list of "to dos" today......I still have some home projects to complete as well. So I'll finish up here and go tackle the rest! Have a good day, ya'll!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Christmas out.....new year in....
So give me your thoughts in the comment section....should I have a signature header and blog look (like my ten readers are not going to recognize me if I change it?! ;)
Should I change it with the seasons? What do you do with your blog? I changed it with the templates found at The Cutest Blog on the Block, and you can, too....it is simple, especially considering that I did it in just a few minutes. Shall we have a "new dress" party????
It's hard to believe that I only started this blog this year....it feels comfortable like I've had it going for a longer period of time. And some of you also mentioned that you only started this year. Gee, time flies when we are having so much fun, doesn't it?
Anyway, Happy New Year and "say yes to the dress" by getting a new non-holidayish look! Join me, won't you?