Thursday, August 25, 2011

Friday Fives!!!!

1. What are your weekend plans??

2.  If you could play any musical instrument, which would it be?

3.  What color is most predominant in your wardrobe??

4.  How long is your hair?  Have you ever worn it long?

5.  If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?


Miss Char said...

What are your weekend plans??
Taking my SIL to the airport after a two week stay!

2. If you could play any musical instrument, which would it be?

3. What color is most predominant in your wardrobe??
Navy Blue

4. How long is your hair? Have you ever worn it long?
Just short of my shoulder

5. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?
My dad

Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Friday Fives!!!!

1. What are your weekend plans?? Hair Do in the morning and then some shopping and the usual slumber party with the Grandbabes. We either do a Friday night or Saturday night slumber party and this week it is Saturday night. Church on Sunday and then hopefully some relaxing.

2. If you could play any musical instrument, which would it be? Not one of my priorities, but playing the piano would be nice.

3. What color is most predominant in your wardrobe?? Red

4. How long is your hair? Have you ever worn it long? Shoulder length....I wore it to my waist until after I graduated high school

5. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be? My Granny....I love the idea of the song 'If heaven weren't so far away'. I would love to see her again.

Hearth Witch said...
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Hearth Witch said...

1. What are your weekend plans??\

Clean, make farmer's cheese, pick up some job applications and clean more :)

2. If you could play any musical instrument, which would it be?

Pan Flute

3. What color is most predominant in your wardrobe??

Yesterday it was red till I have it all away. Not my color so I dont know why people keep giving me red clothing. Now it's an even mist of colors, most of them lighter instead of darker.

4. How long is your hair? Have you ever worn it long?

3 ft and 9 in. The second part of the question made me laugh since hair this long cant be worn 'short'. At least it wont stay that way for long without massive amounts of hairspray and a barrel of hairpins.

5. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?

King Tut's sister-wife, Ankhesanamun. I'd ask her what happen after Tut died since she tried to give the throne to a Nubian (who was assassinated on his way to Egypt), wound up marrying the man accused of killing her husband and then disappeared shortly after, never to be heard or seen again.