When my daughter was about three, we went on a vacation to parts much more mountainous than our area. OK, anywhere is more mountainous than our area, but let's just say, we went to THE mountains.....in Arkansas. At the time, my boys would have been five and twelve- an age when boys have boundless energy, especially amplified by having been in the car for hours. So we finally reached our destination and the boys were anxious to begin climbing up a rocky place that, while not a mountain, was large enough to feel like they WERE climbing a mountain. So they began to climb and she quickly wanted to follow. The conversation that followed went something like this: "Honey, let the boys go up and you stay here with Mommy. I"m not sure you can climb up there by yourself......and immediately she quipped...."OH, YES I CAN.."!!! And up she went, with Mom following closely behind, like I was going to rescue her if she had trouble.......um hum, Moms have super powers, right??
So that has long been her mantra.....Oh Yes, I Can.......her personality is spirited and independent, undaunted by circumstances that seem difficult.
Yesterday, we went on another college visit, to a university that is only about 2.5 hours away. It also happens to be the leading rival to the university nearly EVERYONE in our family has or is attending, including her brother, who is actually attending there now. The day was really only fit for book reading, soup making and staying inside to keep warm & dry. Nonetheless, we were there to see the university so we trudged across campus with all the college kids, in the rain and cold, trying our best to get a feel for what campus life was like there. I did my best to quell all "mamma urges" and not tell those college kids that it was far too rainy and cold for them to be wearing shorts and flip flops.........um hum, you can imagine that, right? So we saw, we listened, we observed. I was thankful for the inventor of the umbrella and for hot coffee!
On our ride home, my hubby was asking her if the size of the university was intimidating at all, or caused any feelings of angst, or even any negative feelings.....well, he was asking HER, so I really couldn't comment, even though I wanted to!! :) Of course, she is undaunted whatsoever!
She is considering schools that I've never even thought about, much less want to imagine her going to mainly because some of them are very far away. But she has done the research and come up with some of the best schools with programs for what she wants to do.... sigh. I'd just rather her stay within a radius of less than three hours from home, where I will FEEL like she is within reach.
I am faced with memories of that three year old, who has matured beautifully, is a lovely young woman with a promising future, a good head on her shoulders and an undaunted spirit. And she is STILL saying.....Oh YES, I CAN.......
Hmm, were you in Austin? I have several friends whose kids have gone there and loved it! Our nephew too. AND he got a job in a heartbeat when he graduated.
I know what you mean about our brave kids. My senior is looking at schools all over the country. He's even considering Chicago and he despises the cold.
It's hard to see them go. I on the other hand will be going to the work world again to help pay for two in college.
You do know if YOU like it that's like the "kiss of death"! LOL!
Teenagers! I'm sure she will choose wisely...and it will be some where you both can live with!
Stop crying Sue.:)
God, give Suzanne and her daughter the grace and wisdom to make their plans, but you direct her steps. With your plan, comes your will, to guide her steps (up this mountain) into her future, her God ordained destiny... and destination... that you gave her the gift of life, ...your perfect plan...for this young girls life.
Protect her while she is away at school, set your angels about her and keep her safe in her choices even if she were to stumble on the way. I am reminded you love this young woman, even more than her mom.
Let it be so.
I hope you don't mind prayers on your comments.
I was going to say I don't know what came over me... but YES I do.
Oh I remember these days well. Trying to let go and wanting to hold on. Sounds like she is a strong independent woman....wonder who taught her that?:-) I know that she will make the right decision and I also know that you will be all right. Some how with God's guidance it all works out perfectly! Have a blessed day!
Oh that must be so hard Suzanne. My son who is 15 also thinks he is going to school somewhere far away. I want him to stay somewhere close so I can see him more often.
I hope your daughter picks a school that is not too far away. I did that for college - all the way across the country and it was hard to be all by myself at such a young age.
Good luck with everything!
How well I recall those days with our two daughters....the old, I want to get away by myself and do my on thing days....both my daughters decided on colleges that were 2 and 3.5 hours drive from home. They both went to these colleges for their first year and then both moved back home and finished college at UTC which is within an hours drive. We let them both go when it came their time and they both enjoyed the first part of their new independent lives, but both were ready and willing to come home after their independent year. I wonder if yours will be the same. Good luck - these are the good times and the bad times.
I too, know the feeling of wondering where they will go to school. Our oldest son went to college in the city only about 40 miles away and ended up taking a job 1200 miles away. Of course I think we have different fears about son and daughters. It seems girls are more vulnerable, but as one of your commenters said God will guide.
Oh, what you both must be feeling. Excitement and perhaps some uncertainty for her. I hope she chooses something close by!
Sounds like you've done a remarkable job of raising such a confident and self-assured young woman. Give yourself a pat on the back! I, like you, hope Brittany finds a good college fairly close to home. I'd just feel better about it.
That's a sweet story! Thanks for sharing it! Linda
We live in Arkansas and my son goes skiing in New mexico and Colorado. Well he says he hates the drive because there is no mountains or trees most of the way. Of course when he gets there he feels better.But He hates the flat lands on the way.
He is going to the university of Arkansas. He got scholarships from I bet 10 other places but no he had to go to the UofA. It is only 30mins. away so I like that. But the other places would of been paid for. I am still glad he is home. Even if it is not free.Good luck and I hope she stays close to home.
(((Suzanne))) It must be bittersweet. You have raised a lovely young lady who will continue to WOW you I'm sure.
Maybe if you promise them ice cream, they'll want to go to the pumpkin patch. ;) I bribed Natalie with Chick-fil-a so I could get her picture..... ;)
Sweet memories, Suzanne. Such a sweet girl will always find her way back home!
Praying that God will direct your daughter in making the right decision about her future college choice. I know it is hard to sit back and wait. Just think, if she ends up far from home, that will just be a fun place for you to visit! Have a great day. Love & blessings from NC!
How well I remember. How well I can relate to all of your feelings. Now, way out on the other side of the three of them leaving, all of which was much farther than three hours, I have survived. I have seen so many answered prayers and time that all went so rapidly. I understand your heart. It is a difficult place to be. You did a great job of sharing.
It's fun to read more about your daughter and her strong personality. Do you think it comes with growing up with brothers??!! I know you must be having a hard time thinking of her going off to college, let alone possibly going so far. It's a bittersweet time...I do remember that.
Hi...I hopped over from Lisa's (I think). I enjoyed visiting. I have two daughters in university now and also a dog who is sweet yet can try the patience at times too. I read back a little and loved the story of your dog climbing in the window.
My youngest daughter especially has a very strong personality and is miss independent and while that is often a hard thing in a teenager it serves her so well in college.
We were living in the UK on an expat assignment when our first born went off to college (in the US) followed by her sister two years later. Its hard but I have learned that God gives us grace in every season. We're back in the states now...same continent but still a plane ride away. This midlife empty nest stage does take a little figuring out that's for sure! Good luck with the whole college selection process and in all the coping and adjusting a mom has to do as our babies grow up.
Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway! Good luck!
It's amazing how much their little personalities are in place from such a young age. Your daughter sounds like an amazing young woman!
She sounds like a remarkable young lady, who isn't intimidated and will get the most out of life by not being afraid to take the chances! Wish I had some of "that" myself! :) Ashley is thinking about colleges, and I am with you on the "within three hour range!" I'm afraid she is heading out of my comfort zone...to schools a little farther! I can certainly identify with how you are feeling! :) ..big hugs to you!
Thanks for the encouraging comments on my upcoming house tour! Wish you were here, too! I put you to work as a greeter! :) You'd be perfect! ~Rhonda :)
I don't even want to think about the day that Jameson decides to leave the nest....I won't let him...he can go to JSU and drive back and forth everyday..HAHA! Like THAT'S going to happen.
Robin :o)
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