Monday, January 10, 2011

an epiphany, of a different kind.

It must be getting to me that this is the second Monday of the new year and I've been unable to get much accomplished!  I wake up with a zeal to get things done and then feel stymied by the fact that I am one handed!  Also a factor is that major surgery is an energy zapper!  just doing a few things requires a lot more energy than normal!

  I know it's only temporary so it's definitely given me compassion for folks who live with handicaps daily!  But , nonetheless,  I feel the need to seize 2011 and get something done, even if it a few small things!  In fact, now is the best time to get them done, knowing that I cannot do big things nor will big things crowd out all the hours  in the day!

The epiphany came to me at 4:05 a.m. this morning!  For some strange reason, I woke with the thought that I could accomplish small things that need also to be done, such as cleaning out and organizing all the drawers in my house!!!  Who thinks of these things at 4:00 am in the morning??  Well, it was an epiphany of sorts that I woke up thinking of cleaning out drawers, and a helpful one!  I am going to focus on what I CAN get done rather than my limitations!  So my goal for this Monday is to clean out at least three drawers! 

What's YOUR Monday goal???


Dogmom Diva said...

Suzanne, I also think of the darndest things when I am trying to sleep..great idea to do little things..wish my drawer looked that neat! Maybe this is my reminder to clean out the junk drawer, too..Its a freaky mess!
Glad you are recovering, day to day my friend:)


Michelle said...

My goodness, girl! You are getting cabin fever!!!!!

btw, Left you a little award!

Debbie said...

Southern inspiration from the one armed wonder! I love your attitude, Suzanne. You're right. It's the perfect opportunity to sweat that small stuff.

But can I still offer hopes that you are recovered and two armed in quick time?

Here's a one armed hug for healing.

Miss Char said...

We must be on the same sleep schedule Suzanne and also with similar thoughts. Well I don't have the reason of being one handed as to why I'm not getting as much done as I should but I did get a set of cubbyhole shelving put in a coat closet today to hold hats, mittens, etc. It's better you take care of your shoulder than worry about what you need to get done.

Unknown said...

Don't you love all the things you have the energy to do in the middle of the night...or at least think of doing.

You take it easy!!

sheila from life @ #17 said...

4 A M is always a great time to get some serious In Order Stuff done! and please lower the bar for your expectations for a while :)

My Monday goal was to be at home, with our Christmas Tree lit, dinner in the oven and enjoy this brilliantly beautiful icy day...

Mission accomplished :)

Love the Decor! said...

It is a wonderful goal. We feel so much better if we even just get a few things done!!
Hope you are healing quickly

Stacey said...

I feel for ya girl!

Beverly said...

I haven't been here much due to a move, so I misssed the post about your surgery. Had to go back a ways. Cleaning drawers is certainly a good start and the other stuff will come. I am amazed you can type at all one handed.
I would rather be a whale, too. Loved that story.
Your granddaghter is precious and I did read about her coming into your life.
I will pray and go to the website you linked to donate. How very sad.
Well, I feel a little more caught up with you. Hope you are back to normal (whatever that is) soon and yes I, too wake up in the middle of the night with the strangest ideas...sometimes they are good creative ideas though.