Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Father's Day Friday Fives!!!!

Friday Fives!  Short and sweet, since it's probably a busy day for us all.

1. Any special plans for Father's Day?

2. Is your daddy still living?

3. Are you a grandparent yet?

4. How long have you been married?

5. What vocation did your DAD do?

Enjoy your day!!!!!


southerninspiration said...

1. My son is coming home and we will celebrate Father's Day tomorrow since my husband has to travel on Sunday! I plan to make his favorite pie for him!!!

2. No, real daddy died in 1994, but my step-father is still living.

3.ALMOST!! Granddaughter due 10/10/10.

4. Nearly 30 years (next April)!!!

5.My real dad was a radio broadcaster; my step-father was an entrepreneur and had several businesses as I was growing up. Even STILL he is a VERY hard worker at 71!

Debbie said...

1. My daughter is coming home to celebrate so we're looking forward to that. We'll do a meal with the extended family after church.

2. No, but he lives in my heart.

3. Not yet, we're still in the colleg years. AND... HOW COOL is that due date of yours??

4.26 years next Wednesday!

5. He worked in management for a corporation. Before he retired, he was exclusively international business and traveled all over Europe and Asia.

Delchick42 said...

Hello. I'm new here but I thought that this was a cute site and a nice way to end the week so here go my answers to the Friday 5:

1.We will spend Sunday at my parents' home celebrating Father's Day.

2.My biological father passed several years ago (never really knew him), but my step father is 71 and my real father since he raised us.

3.Not a grandparent. My DH and I have no children.

4.Married 8 years and counting.

5.My dad was an Airforce reservist and a full time accountant with the state.(Govenor's office).

Have a great weekend!

Love the Decor! said...

I love this!!
1) No huge plans for Father's Day hubby and I are working on projects (master bedroom redo)
2) My dad passed away in Dec. this is my first Father's Day without him :(
3) I just became a grandparent to baby Ezra in APril and he is a Joy!!
4)Married to my best friend for 28yrs (know him though since 6th grade : )
5)My Dad was in radio broadcasting and advertising sales much of his life
Have a great weekend Suzanne
I am amazed at how many things we have in common : )

Happy@Home said...

Thanks for your recent visit and comments on my back issue. I'm sorry to hear that you are also suffering. No fun, is it?

As long as I'm here, I'll have some fun participating in your little survey:

1. No big plans, but will probably find something tasty to grill for the hubby.
2. My Dad went to heaven in 2001.
We will be missing him.
3. No grandchildren yet.
4. 29 years on the 27th.
5. My Dad worked as a Safety Engineer at Ford.

That was fun. I'm excited for you to be awaiting a granddaughter. Have a Happy Father's Day.

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Kathy said...

Hello there friend...I haven't stopped by in ages, but I always enjoy my visits to your blog. I thought I'd contribute to your FF's this week. Have a beautiful family weekend!

1. Any special plans for Father's Day?
We're beginning our Father's Day celebration Saturday with our daughter and her family and our son and daughter-in-law at our community patriotic fair and fireworks. We'll sit on blankets and eat pizza and treats together, admire the newest ultrasound pics of our new grandbaby-to-be, take our granddaughters on a few rides, and finish the evening with a fabulous fireworks display. Our daughter and son-in-law and their two little girls will come over on Sunday for a barbecue. Our son and daughter-in-law will be celebrating their very first wedding anniversary, so we will gladly excuse them to celebrate their special day together.

2. Is your daddy still living?
My daddy is still living, though he is terminally ill. He is one of the most special men on the face of the earth!

3. Are you a grandparent yet?
We have two granddaughters - Sydney, who is 6, and Isabelle, who is 2. They are our daughter's children. Our son and daughter-in-law are expecting their first baby, due December 26.

4. How long have you been married?
We will be celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary on June 27.

5. What vocation did your DAD do?
My dad worked in the Detroit auto industry for many years. For the last 10 years or so of his working life he developed his own landscape business.

Paula@SweetPea said...

1. Any special plans for Father's Day? I'll be at the beach with my mom and niece. Unfortunately all of our daddies are gone so we won't celebrate.

2. Is your daddy still living? No

3. Are you a grandparent yet? No kiddies=no grandbabies :(

4. How long have you been married? 16 years on July 2!

5. What vocation did your DAD do? He was a dairy inspector.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

No plans for tomorrow really.
My dad is alive and lives in Destin, Fl. with my step mother.
Yes, I am a grandparent to two girls and one on the way.
Been married 35 years.
Dad was a sales rep for Exxon and then sold cars and then realestate.

Beverly said...

1. Our three sons and their families are sharing Sunday Brunch at our home.
2. My Dad died in 1996.
3. We are blessed with 10 grandchildren (Suzanne, your granddaughter is due on my birthday)
4. Monday is our Anniversary - 42 yrs.
5. My Dad was a welder by trade and did many other things also.

Wishing you and your family a Happy Father's Day.

Renee @ AddMoreChocolate said...

1. Son, wife, and grandbaby are coming over for dinner. Grilling something on Steve's new grill!
2. Dad is still going strong!
3. 2 little ones :-) They are a joy!
4. Just celebrated #28!
5. Electrical engineer and then he traded that hat for a custom hardwood sawmill owner/operator.


Evelyn said...

1. We, my daughter and I are on a fun trip with "the papa"
2. No, he went to glory 6 years ago, but I'll see him again!!
3. No, but I've been called one; darn that gray hair. (I actually like my gray hair, but I don't like being called a grandmother)
4. 18 years a week from today.
5. My dad was a salesman.