Life happens at a fast pace and sometimes gets in the way of other things, doesn't it? I had all great intentions of getting back yesterday and posting about the two or three giveaways......well, those intentions got way-laid by one or seventy two other life events. Daughter needed to go get a crucial part for the physics project that is due on Thursday......a crane! Dinner......well, these folks want to eat at EVERY meal......and then a church meeting. We are getting ready to move into a new church building that will render us "homeless and meeting in a school" no longer! We are all very excited, but it is a lot of work, lots of details which need attention, much planning to do, etc....So by the time I got home, I spent an hour sitting with the Mister doing absolutely nothing....we watched the new show, Castle, which is really quite cute. The blogging didn't happen.
Enough of that...let's get on to the reason you are here......the giveaway with which I teased you yesterday....oh, and those babies? They grow more adorable each time I visit. They are about to be on the move.......the tiniest, Briellen, has an army scoot that is unsurpassed. She has determination that will not be quelled. And the rest are figuring out she is going to leave them behind if they are not careful!!!
OH, yes, The giveaways....
The first one --Since so many of you commented that the Hoffman Publication I mentioned here is not available in your area.....well, I decided I'd just give one away!! Spring in a box, or envelope, you might say. The lucky winner will receive her own special copy of the Celebrate Spring publication.
But be's going to make you want to have a Spring PARTY!! just sayin......
The second giveaway....... is being sponsored (um, yes sponsored!!!) by
Online Poster Printing

They are going to giveaway to one lucky winner a 16 x20 poster print of your own photo. Do you have a great family photo that you would love to enjoy in a larger size, perhaps to even hang in your home? Kristin at We are THAT family blog shows
HERE one she had done by this is delightful! ( And wouldn't that picture I showed you yesterday of the baby girls be delightful in a 16 x 20 print?? I'm telling you, you could wallpaper a room with prints of those adorables and be totally mesmerized!!!)
So you, too, can win such delight to add to your home's decor! Simply go on over to
Online Poster Printing and check out their products and then come back and tell me what you would like to do with your FREE poster print if you should be the lucky winner. Will it be a botanical, a precious family picture, a pic of your favorite furry friend? Since
Online Poster Printing is an awesome company where you upload your digital pictures and within 24 hours you will have your own poster print, don't forget to leave a comment telling me you'd like to win and what you will do with your print! You could have it by the END of the WEEK, people!!!
And for a
double entry, go email or tell someone else about the contest and let me know about that, too. If we can get our entries up, perhaps they'd be willing to sponsor TWO giveaways!!!
And since I"m out of time, and real life is happening...(laundry awaits), I'm going to save the third giveaway until later this week. So to recap.....
First giveaway, The Celebrate Spring publication, that's going to make you want to par-tay....leave a comment and specify Celebrate, Susie Springlover: Celebrate Spring....just like that, except use your real name if you seriously want to win!!!
Second giveaway, the totally awesome 16 x 20 poster print of your favorite photo being given away by
Online Poster Printing--leave a comment with your name telling me what you'd do with your poster and also who you are telling about this special giveaway. ie, Susie Springlover: 16 x20 print of my azalea bush in full bloom and I"m going to blog about it and tell my two or five hundred readers.
EASY, isn't it? Good luck to you all!!!!
The winners will be drawn on Friday, and you could even add a comment each day until then and you will get a few more little entries into this itty bitty contest.......tell someone different every day and you will get a few more little entries into this itty bitty contest......just saying that if we work on it, it could turn out to be more than an itty bitty contest.......celebrate spring!