So, I have about fifteen or forty five projects going on. And yes, ahem, cleaning qualifies for a project in my world. I did work on the front flower beds yesterday and two out of three of them (even if they are the smaller ones) are done.......and ready for some spring, or yep, summer plants and a round of mulch. I know, I probably should have mulched already, but I always wait for the oak leaves to fall before I mulch so that they don't land all over my fresh mulch. I hate that. I will however, have to bite my tongue when the pecan doodads start falling on my newly installed mulch. I love pristine mulch.....what, you think I'm a little ocd, too??? Could be. No, that's too much work! Anyhoo, I'll be getting a few new plants to put out, too......BUT I did see that my mandevilla that I bought last year and truly thought had suffered its overdose of BLOOMING! It's a beaut.......cherry red flowers, all four of them!! And my daylilies in front are budding and blooming, too.....again, a nice shade of red. Plus there is the lone hibiscus that looks so,so pretty when it sports a bloom. So now, the bed full of weeds and overgrown fern are hardly noticeable because everyone's looking at my five red flowers and one pink one! um-hum, THAT Stunning, folks.

Other news....the office/guest room. I'm just getting around to it. It really needs a total overhaul. It's not calm and peaceful like I desire. It's full of STUFF......sigh. and nothing matches...I'd love it to look like a Pottery Barn page; I'd love it to look kind of girly, kind of cottagey, kind of clean and peaceful. BUT I work in here, and have lots of stuff for said work. I need an intervention, an extreme makeover of sorts. What's a lazy, fun-loving girl to do????
And I don't even want to show pics, too I'll paint one for you with words.....the room is blue, courtesy of when my daughter actually lived in here. Suffice it to say, the blue is not quite the color I 'd like it to be, but I've lived with it. AND there is a Cargo single bunk bed in here. I've been dying to paint could be cute. OR I've thought of making a slipcover for the headboard. Then there's the large desk that hubby has had forever!!! and I'd love to get rid of......hmmm....but it holds a lot of stuff that would otherwise be homeless. And lastly there's a blue file cabinet....old one, that we painted blue when blue was in. So, you can see my dilemna.......I would love to just start over. I need an armoire I think to house things, like business catalogs, extra products, brochures, etc. I might even put my craft goodies in there......oh, dear...I feel that overwhelming sense of frustration coming over me.....that flings me right into the state of procrastination....anyone joining me there in that state????
All this leads me to the decision that the flower bed is my next project to least I know it's doable in a few hours and will leave me with a sense of accomplishment, even though it may accompany a back ache......
If you are still reading at this point, I must confess that I was feeling a lack of blogging inspiration this is what you got.....a lot of babble. It's where I talked myself into tackling the front flower bed, and that in itself may lead to a blog post about the flower beds, so that can't be a bad thing. If you are still reading, please accept my apologies for rambling......geez, I at least need a good picture to leave you feeling inspired. I think that's what I intended to .....can't remember. see you later, and have a great day.
I totally know what you are talking about. Our guestroom/office is a constant work in progress. A few weeks ago we moved the huge, beautiful armoire out of that room and bought a desk. So now there's a queen bed and a black desk. I don't really claim to know how to meld the two together. The walls are not dressed...
My garage needs serious attention.
My teenage boys rooms need serious attention.
The teenage boys bathroom..ick!!
Still, it's a fun process! :)
Have fun with all your projects! I too am in the middle of tons of different things. Kind of makes your head spin!:-) Have a great day!
I feel like I've been reading about my own life right now. It seems I've been afflicted with the same um...illness or disorder (chaos).
Me... the normally organzied to a fault (okay ocd)girl who always has everything under control and lives with notebook, design map and plan in hand is feeling like everything is way out of control!
My office renovation is a month behind (floor refinish having to be completely redone) new blog still behind schedule, yard and flower beds getting out of control before I can get to them - I better breathe now!
Okay, now that I've read and re-read your post and commented (babbled on) about the kinship I'm feeling, I better go and get to what I promised myself I would get to today.
Here's hoping your day brings a sense of accomplishment, peace and joy!
Love the flowers. Reading your blog is making me feel so guilty because I have yet to even get outside and LOOK at my flower beds. But then again, it's way too cold out there for me to leave the warmth of my house!! Hope you can decide on something to do with the guestroom. My suggestion, get rid of the big desk and go ahead, splurge on something new!!!
There never seems to be enough time in the day to accomplish everything that needs to be done (except blogging, of course!). Hee hee! At least you're making headway! Wish I could say the same! Your flowers are to die for!
Oh Suzanne - I am right with you. I feel overwhelmed there are so many projects to get done. I never feel like I am making any progress. For what it's worth, I think you get lots done and you are an inspiration to me!
Beautiful picture! I have been working like a dog out in my yard. I just love the feeling of looking out and seeing pretty flowers and a nice green lawn.
Oh, I'm with you, girl! I get so frustrated with not having a place to put the stuff so sometimes I don't even bother with getting started!! Your flowers, on the other hand, are gorgeous. :)
That was really funny! I understand what you're saying about working on the small project instead! That's the way I think! I love the color of that Hibiscus! We have a Hibiscus Festival here every year! I have tons of them!
Hey, cute guy on that round up button! {He's my husband!}
I hear you! I don't know what to do so I do nothing. Or I go shopping(: Love your red blooms!
Oh Geez, I feel like this EVERY DAY. Like I'm spinning my wheels and just can't get where I want to go. Let me know when you find the secret to getting your ducks in a row and I'll sign up.
I was just talking to my husband about all the projects that need doing outside and that was at least 5 big projects. I think I'll just have to let some go - can't do it all. Love the blooms!
Suzanne, it's me again. I was given an award and I had to nominate 10 others and guess what...You're one. Stop by and pick up your button! Have a great weekend!
I could have written this exact same post! I have the same problem...I start something, get overwhelmed, and move on to the next thing. At this point in time....I probably have 10 unfished/partially finished projects in the mix. I get frustrated by it all....and run to my computer!
I'm glad to know that I'm not the only!
Robin :o)
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