Tuesday, January 11, 2011

when I finally progress from drawers to closets............

when i make progress in healing and move from small jobs to larger jobs like the linen closet, i will indeed be inspired by this youtube video!!!


Debbie said...

I've seen that tutorial before, that's how I "attempt" to do mine.

I have found an even easier and more efficient way that works for me.

I say, "Honey, can you fold this fitted sheet for me with your great big long ape arms?"

Works for me! Ha!

Miss Char said...

That's kind of the way I do it, I have to say that king size sheets are a pain to fold unless you have a large table like she does.

sheila from life @ #17 said...

interesting :) I pretty much go with the Ball and Stuff method :)

Cathy said...

I try, but it doesn't always turned too nice.