Monday, December 8, 2008


It's Monday, and I look forward to Mondays these days....this is why. I get to go help with my friend's quintuplets. It's such a blessing to see the miracle that they are. And they are just precious! It's a crazy life for sure for them, but they are so blessed and I love helping! You can read about them the Christmas decorations are still not complete, as we are waiting for my college son to come home to do the tree......but these are GREAT decorations for the everyday...these little ones. I may even decorate for Christmas at THEIR house!!!


Cathy said...

Precious little miracles. They are so blessed to have you in their life. Have fun!


Controlling My Chaos said...

And what a cute little Christmas card!

Nancy said...

They are amazing!!! Of course, just looking at them makes me want to take a nap. :)

Liz Harrell said...

Wow, that's fantastic. They're rivaling Jon&Kate. :)

Pug1 said...

Hi Suzanne, they are so precious looking! Have fun! CHEERS!!! Michele

Designs on 47th Street said...

You've got it right, Suzanne. The decorations can wait. You are doing such a nice thing to help out with these precious babies. I'm sure the parents can't even express to you how much you mean to them. They are darling!!

the voice of melody said...

How wonderful that you get to help your friends like this. I'm sure you're such a blessing to the whole family. I don't know how parents of multiples do it. I only have one and I have trouble staying on top of things sometimes! :)