Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dear Tom (the Contractor)

Wish you were here.....

that's rain......

That's the rain in my KITCHEN.....and you can't see the trash can catching it.........wish you would get here before Friday. Surely it won't rain all day, or all week........sigh. (I may be having my own BAIL out here pretty soon......!)


Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Goodness! I hope you get that fixed soon. I'm pretty sure I'd be pretty grumpy if it was raining in my kitchen. Good luck!

duchess said...

So sorry it's not fixed yet. Hopefully the rain will stop soon.

Eve said...

Wow - that's some SERIOUS storm damage!!
So sorry your kitchen is damaged and best of luck for a speedy recovery!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Rain Rain go away! Hopefully the rain will go away soon! Nancy

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Ohhhh, do you sell SLAH?? I used to, I love that stuff! Hope the rain stopped -- it's just starting here!

Ashley said...

Wow, I hope there was no serious damage. A few years back we were renting a house while my husband was in school. A huge Texas rainstorm blew in and flooded our kitchen. Apparently the windows had no weather stripping. NICE!